1: must be a responsible member of the community. (in the forums and in game)
I just registered to the forums which i just found to be a place to hang out and I've been playing Gungame, Minigames and Zombie mod, I know people who play and they know me as well, I've also made some friends.
2: clear minded thought proccess and thinks before he/she says or acts on anything.
Reasonable thinking, fairness, fun facts, player vote petitions when action is really needed. I don't think i'm the kind of person who bulls around. If someone is not obeying the rules i would warn first, 2nd kick with a message and if problem persist i would ban for a considered limited time or perm if too much. I think servers are a place to have fun within the rules and legal spots.
3: must have the ability to help the community with donations.

I'll gladly help once in a while up to $50
4: has to be 18 years of age or older (some exceptions are made but not many)
I'm 23 years old (8/8/86) tomorrow's my birthday
5: has played on the servers for at least 3 months.
I've been around 6 months
6: knows the rules of the servers.
I do and i read the list once in a while
7: must be able to learn things as explained to him/her the first time.
It's always good to learn something new.
8: must have the willingness to do his job in game rather then ignore the players and continue playing.
I like to play and have fun but some players just won't play fair.
9: should be seen helping enforcing the rules.
I've seen players like "I know it's illegal but there's no admin"
10: must Have Xfire.
11: must have the Ventrillo client and know how to connect and participate in our Ventrillo server.
I've used ventrilo for WoW (a game i don't play anymore)
12: references from admins you play with a plus but not mandatory.
Army Ranger is a cool guy, i respect and learn from him.
13. Not have admin on any other server, or owner of there own pub server.
N/U is the line of servers i play but have been playing source around 4 years

I'm happyly married with a 3 motnth old son, i play on my free time and while my wife cook, clean and sleeps. Respect at all times.